Disclaimer:This is premium domain parking portal where premium domains are parked and NFT are promoted.


Through our web portal, users gain access to a curated selection of VIP NFT listings, enabling them to explore, discover, and engage with coveted digital collectibles. From rare artwork to personalized interactions, each VIP NFT encapsulates a distinct narrative and value proposition, reflecting the essence of its creator and the allure of the NFT ecosystem.
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List of International Journals (Peer reviewed)
International Journal for Research Publication and Seminar
Universal Research Reports
Innovative Research Thoughts
Global International Research Thoughts
Darpan International Research Analysis
Indian Journal of Law
Scientific Journal of Metaverse and Blockchain Technologies
Shodh Sagar Journal for Medical Research Advancement
Shodh Sagar Journal of Inspiration and Psychology
Innovations in Sports Science
Shodh Sagar Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Modern Dynamics: Mathematical Progressions
Journal of Quantum Science and Technology
Journal of Sustainable Solutions
Journal of Advanced Management Studies
Shodh Sagar Journal of Commerce & Economics
Do you Have Premium Domain (PD) Token ? If yes then Internation journal could be shown in above list after PD transaction....
You have to mail following text at [email protected] and make Transaction in PD.
Send the screen shot of transaction to [email protected] and you would get Journal listed Here in 24-48 Hours.
Essential Notification:
1. Do not make any transaction without any acceptance mail.
2. If you make transaction without any acceptance then you would waste your time and money
3. Wait for confirmation for 24 to 48 Hours.
4. After getting confirmation, you are supposed to make transaction within 24 to 48 hours.
Happy Valentine's Day
Supply : 500
Supply : 100
Happy Birthday
Supply: 500
Supply : 786
Supply : 500
Smart Cat
Supply: 1700
Youngparrot Burn
Supply: 2000
Shades of Man
Supply : 1000
Supply : 1000
Supply : 6000
NFT Girl
Supply : 5000
Supply : 1000
Supply : 150
Crazy Dog
Supply : 300
Exclusive Tiger
Supply : 350
Crazy Avtaar
Supply : 1000
The Cute Dragon
Supply : 1500
The Hootie Owl
Supply : 500
Splash of Joy
Supply : 1000
Baby Bear
Supply : 150
Glowing Sneakers
Supply : 200
Little Staurt
Supply : 1000
Young frog
Supply : 1400
Young Fairy
Supply : 500
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